School Church Meeting(SCM)

The role of an SCM

The SCM is held on the last week of the month, particularly on Fridays. The main purpose is to encourage and motivate learners to appreciate and embrace the word of God, needless to say that our institution is a Christian Model School.

The SCM committee draw an agenda for the day. A provisional preacher is elected to lead, or rather preside over the day's proceedings. Learners who are eager to preach are also given an opportunity. Learners who participate on the day's activities furnish the committee with religious items.

SCM is an essential and indispensable part of RCMS because it teaches, guides and moulds learners to be disciplined.

Social functions

- We more often than not host social function activities.

- Organise learners to and from the school platform in the event of social functions.

- Maintain discipline during the above-mentioned events.

- Facilitate learners to be creative and innovative as they prepare for their presentations for the social functions.

- Motivate learners to be positive towards education during the biannual Academic Awards ceremonies.

Matabane SO & Sibanda N
SCM committee members

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