School Sports

Roy V

Sports Committee is responsible for organising friendly matches for the available sports disciplines. Committee members accompany learners to other schools for sports competitions. Members play a role of manager-cum-trainer for the learners and also participate as referees/umpires. Most importantly the committee members co-ordinate all the logistics involved during the sports encounters, e.g transport, food, sporting kits, etc.

Benefits for participating in school sports:

  1. Learners will be selected to represent the province, e.g some of our learners were selected to represent the province in basketball.
  2. Learners get awards like trophies and medals, e.g our learners who did well in athletics and went up to provincial level received the awards.
  3. Learners can make a living out of sports if they turn professional.
  4. Learners will develop a healthy body, which often results in a healthy mind.
  5. Learners will be occupied and stay away from drugs and other disruptive activities.
  6. Participating in sports also brings fame.
  7. It gives learners a chance to visit different places.
  8. Learners learn how to deal with anger and other emotions.
  9. Learners get a chance to socialise.


Roy & FIBA boss




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