Gold Reef City, Crown Mines, Johannesburg.

An educator's report on the tour.

Hungwe C N

The trip was taken on the 13th of March 2015. It was meant for learners from Grade 1-5. Seven teachers accompanied the learners on the tour. We boarded three luxurious buses and a mini-bus to Johannesburg.

We left school at 04h45, and arrived in Johannesburg at around 09h00. We got maps, from the information centre, showing all the areas of the inner city and its environs.

We started by touring the Gold Mine. Learners were divided into small manageable groups. They were given helmets with torches to light their way underground. An electric carriage(elevator) took us 75 meters down the mine shaft.

Learners were very excited, or rather intrigued, to learn about how miners work underground. They asked a lot of questions to the tour guide.

After touring the mine, we went to the Amusement Park. The park houses a variety of games for the kids. At Lunar Park, within Amusement Park, there is The Big Wheel, Merry-go-round and Cup & saucer. Learners enjoyed themselves because they had lots and lots of games to play.

We left Gold Reef City at 16h00. The experience was an eye-opener for most of the learners. It was really an awesome and wowing trip to remember.

A report from a perspective of an observer.

Mahara G

Gold Reef City Park has an abundance of adventures. Jaw-dropping and adrenaline-boosting rides await those brave enough to drop 75m into an open mine shaft, and also hanging upside down on one of the fastest inverted roller coasters.

We went straight to the mine, where we used a cage to go down 75m .The first thing for every mine worker was to be introduced to the safety and precaution in the mine. We experienced a lot about how the old people in the 1880s used to mine gold long back. There was no electricity so they used coal to get power. There were emergency exit.

Runaway train
Runaway train will have you clinging to the edge of your seat. Go on an adrenaline-filled adventure trip in a runaway train as it carries you down the train tracks of thunder Mountain!

Raging River Rapids
The learners took a trip along a scenic river, where they cooled down from the rays of the summer. They encountered some caves off the old waterfalls as they skim along the raging rapids.

Tower of Terror
Few learners went for the Tower of Terror. They rode the Tower of Terror as they dare and felt the heart drop as they plunged down 90 degrees from a staggering height of 50metres at a speed of 100km per hour into an open mine shaft.

It made learners feel as if they were being launched into an orbit, with a centrifugal force to be reckoned with, at a speed of 50 km/s.

Jozi Express
It is a true Jozi roller coaster. Few learners managed to go on a ride across the tree tops, mine dumps and those who were brave enough to keep their eyes open, they were rewarded with a breath-taking view of the Jozi CBD.

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