Rules and Regulations

School Admission Policy

RCMS complies with rules and regulations of SA educational system. The age of admission to grade one is five years, if the child turns six on or before 30 June in that year. When applying for admission parents/guardians must produce the copy of the birth certificate, transfer letter and last report from the previous school. In addition, for non-South African citizens, a study permit, temporary or permanent residence permit or evidence of application for permission to stay in South Africa, is required.

Above all, learners with fake documents will be expelled with immediate effect. Learners and parents are obliged to sign code of conduct. Finally, a learner who comes in the middle of the academic year must bring authentic documents and proof of transfer to support the admission.

All the new learners are to pay non-refundable registration fees and to complete the application forms for admission.

Application form can be submitted from the 1st of August, every year. Parents will be informed of the outcome of the application telephonically, verbally or by post. No new admission will be given to the grade 12 classes. Admission to grade 10 and 11 will be given under special circumstances.

New admissions should be recorded in the admission register. Parents of existing learners should complete a new form every year to update their details.

Sick Children

If you feel that your child is sick, do not send him/her to school. Keep him/her at home until he/she recovers. It will help the child to be cured quickly and prevent other learners from the infection.

Cell Phones

Please note that cell phones are not allowed at school. For emergency communication purposes, you are requested to contact the school or get special permission from the principal to carry a cell phone for a shorter period. If a cell phones are confiscated, they will not be returned to learners. Parents must come to collect the phone after 13h00

Parents Involvement (PTA)

The School is having 4 vacant posts for the PTA, Parental component. These are for Foundation phase (grade 1 - 3), Senior phase (grade 7 - 9), FET phase (grade 10 - 11) and grade 12. These posts should be filled in by parents during the parents meeting on the 9th of February 2019. The school is requesting you to involve in the learning activities of your child from the beginning of the year.

Early Release of Learners

If you want to take your child from school before time, you have to fetch the child personally and you may be requested to produce the ID book as well as to explain the relationship with the child. Secondary learners, who seek permission for early release, will be released at their own risk, but they have to complete the record book before they leave. Before releasing the learner the office will try to contact the parents.

School Uniform

Primary school learners(Grade 1-6) are allowed to wear school T-shirt on Wednesdays only. Grade 7-12 learners must wear blazers on Mondays and Fridays. Uniform can be purchased at school between 12H00-15H00 only.

Workbooks and Textbooks

You are requested to cover all workbooks and notebooks. All the new textbooks are covered by the school. Write the name of your child on the cover, not on the textbook. Parents should buy enough button files bags to protect from damage. Make identification markings on children's uniform as well as on other materials. The learners(Grade 4-12) should return the textbooks at the end of the year without any damages or writings. Any loss, damages or writings will be penalised. If the books are not returned on the date specified, a late fee of R200 should be paid.

Application forms

For the existing learners, it is important to complete a new application form to update your details. It is requested that you get new forms, and then fill and submit them.

School Time

7H35 - 15H00(Grade 4-12) (Monday to Thursday)
7H35 - 14H30(Grade 1-3) (Monday to Thursday)
7H35 - 14H00(All Grades) (Except last Friday of every month end)

Saturday Classes

Have already started at the school for Grade 11 & 12 classes. Initially the classes will be conducted for Mathematics, Mathematical Literacy, Physical Science, Life Sciences, Accounting and Geography. These lessons are compulsory and free of charge.

Morning Lessons

Morning lessons for the Grade 12 learners have already started. We are planning to finish the topics by the end of May, so it is very important for learners to attend classes.


We are organizing educational tours for lower grades during this term. The details will be communicated to parents soon.

Events, programs, tours, etc.

If your child claim money for any kind of above mentioned items, demand a letter from the office, signed by the principal or deputy principal. We will not be liable for any unauthorised collections or events.

Subject Changes

Due dates for forwarding the application forms are as follows:
Grade 12 ............ 17th January 2019
Grade 11 ............ 2nd April 2019
Grade 10 ............ 4th June 2019

Grade 12 learners are allowed to change only one subject, and the other two grades are allowed to change two subjects. It is good to change the subjects, if the learner is struggling to get a pass mark.

Sepedi lessons for the beginners in grade 4 - 9

Mr Matabane is offering extra lessons to the learners who are doing Sepedi for the first time or who has little exposure, on Saterdays from 09:00 - 13:00. Classes will start on the 26th of January and he will collect a nominal amount as tuition fee. Learners should be in uniform.

Communication with the school

If you want to raise any issue with the school, do it through the school secretaries on the following contact numbers. We request you to give us a chance to address the issues before taking them to the media and other offices.
(1) Admin related issues - 076 457 8200
(2) Financial issues - 060 649 4569
(3) Land line - 015 632 4785


13 June 2018
18 October 2018
25 January 2019

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Staff secretary
Foundation phase
Intermediate phase
Senior phase
FET phase
Committee Reps


P & T components
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